Err well not quite.
(the extremely short version)
The universe that I inhabit has an astronomical number of parts (far more than even a supercomputer could calculate in a humans lifetime ) that have over billions of years interacted with each other to make new parts and painfully slowly with dead ends and errors forcing all things to have evolved into the form we see today.
Evolution cares nothing for creating to a set design.
It only promotes to the next level those things that are adapted.
Perfection is not needed only the infinitesimally small changes at each stage, with those that didn’t resigned to zero status.
Oh just a quick question whilst I think about it .. why would the perfect almighty creator of the universe who is supposed to have a special relationship with just one set of nearly hairless bi-pedal primates create such things a viruses that are extremely deadly to them and that make no distinction between religious/non religious sinners/sinless what’s the plan there?
As for the college analogy... c’mon Kate really.
If my child acted that way then they wouldn’t be getting what I paid for would They, that being ‘an education’ so they would have wasted my money wouldn’t they...not got good value for it.
So I stand by my original reply.
That being if someone really died to pay for my sins.. I’m just making good value of the situation.
As for evil ..oh dear where do I start on that?
You’re probably not going to believe this but I DON’T drink, take drugs, gamble, eat meat or dairy products and I’ve never committed any murders , rapes, or any crimes against people who haven’t had it coming to them anyway.
Maybe I was evil when I helped out a friend today or maybe phoning another friend to see if he was o.k. During the lockdown.
Or maybe having the patience of a ‘saint’ makes me evil as I care for 2 of my children who are autistic & have adhd.
My brand of evil is letting people fully enjoy their lives and their bodies to the extremes of their capacity.
without the moralising of some patriarchal, mysoganistic, homophobic, & confused ( to name but a few of their traits) semi literate goat hearders from the ancient Middle East.
No growing up need thanks.
(Phew it finally ended, felt like I was writing a new gospel)
Hugs.. & peace.