Look, I made this meme to tell you guys to let kids play their game and not crticize them for playing Fortnite (No, I don't play Fortnite, I play Minecraft). Look, back in the 2010's, Minecraft was hated too for it's fanbase and everyone was playing Fortnite like hell. Untill 2019 came, now suddenly you guys hate Fortnite because the fanbase was starting to become that of 2010's Minecraft's.
The insults you give Fortnite players though are very brutal. First off, calling them Virgins is very crass (stupid) since what if a few thousands of Fortnite Players could be Dads with real children (not adopted). Next off, calling them 12 Year olds or 5 year olds is pretty much stereotypical. Saving the worst insult for last, calling them Autistic. What the hell is wrong with you, do you even know how offensive that is to Autistic kids who don't play Fortnite and prefer Minecraft? Plus, how is Fortnite even related to Autism, Autism is caused by all sorts of things (like drinking wine or smoking while pregnant), not a videogame.
What I am saying is, just let kids play their game. If you memers don't tolerate what the fanbase is saying, just disable all Voice Chat settings. But at the end of the day, if Minecraft and Fortnite are games that should be treated equally.