I do too. I believe that a person should have complete bodily autonomy, unless it violates another person, or is harmful.
Here's the thing...The human body doesn't make extremely complicated mistakes. With s.e.x. comes (usually) a child. Those two things aren't separate. If you don't want a child, then have your husband use a condom, not something abortion-facient (which kills a baby at its earliest stage).
But, you are justifying it if it HAS happened...Well...The baby is human and should have human rights, just like us. If it does not, then we should be able to kill each other with no consequence. (because the only difference between these classes of humans is time).
If the woman is financially challenged is not a matter...Ask yourself this: "Do we kill our children when they get expensive?"
The answer should be no. Otherwise (again), I could be killed, because I am a child of my parents.
Hold on. I have to attend to something...