I never am, lad. Listenin' to some f**ked up music.
2 ups, 5y,
1 reply
Nor am I. Define what you mean by f**ked up
2 ups, 5y,
1 reply
Just weird. The type a deranged serial killer would be listenin' to.
Jus' make thar' playback speed 0.25. The sound just messes with yer' mind, lad.
2 ups, 5y,
1 reply
Deranged serial killer perfect. The only thing It WoN't WoRk
Yarr, ye need to earn thar' place. I'm plannin' on havin' thar crew vote on thar' role since it is a role that would be in replacement of me if I weren't online or so.
No, I'm fine, I'm just dying inside. I just inhaled oxygen and that might be a problem. Like, don't you just hate it when you inhale oxygen? -EMEMEON, 3/22/2020