Yaar, yer only lookin' at thar' negative things, matey. Yer only seein' in thar' darkness, and that ain't gonna get ye into thar' light that yer wanna find. Open yer' eyes, matey. It may seem difficult at first, but it'll become easier as time passes and even if yer' get into thar' light, darkness will always be there, the light and dark must exist together, thar' is nothing more, but then you'll be better prepared to face thar' darkness when you step into thar' light. Yer even lucky to get some motivation from a broken down person like me, I told meself I wouldn't try and fix others again cus' I gave up on fixin' meself. It ain't fun when you jus' give up and stay in thar' dark, like meself, that's why I need yer to keep goin' to find thar' light, lad or lass.
Once I find the light, it'll probably be more spacious. I may stay awhile.
If I ever do find me strength to find thar' light...
Da bum bum bum diddly dee dum diddly doo dee dee dum bum.