My memes never got to the front page, people stopped talking to me, a lot of people started hating on me. Nobody really cared about me at that time, except Ememeon. However for Ememeon, everyone liked her, she got all the support and everyone upvoted her memes. My memes would get more downvotes then upvotes. I felt really bad. I think this is because Dialupdude "committed suicide" because I told him to stop repost whining. He actually didn't, he just created a stream called AntiProductiveDuck and posted a bunch of crappy memes. When people found out about it, it got as much as 6 or 7 followers. at this time, I felt like nothing was going to get better. Whenever I logged onto Imgflip I saw notifications from previous imgflip friends saying "why are you so mean to Dialupdude?" and "I hate you!" "you're such a bitch!" "You hate commented on Dialupdude until he committed suicide!" At this time I felt so bad that I just deleted my account. I was really depressed.
After a few months, I felt a little better and looked checked on Imgflip. The mods exposed Dialupdude and everyone slowly stopped hating me. I just created a new account and started making memes, People liked my memes and I here I am now.