As i sitteth on the same tree stump i at each moment doth, smoking the same tobacco i at each moment doth, drinking the same flavour of monst'r i at each moment doth, i has't a god given p'riod of timeth f'r true and focus'd thoughts. One cannot expecteth to findeth such timeth in a chaotic environment, such as a loud household, clutt'r'd quart'rs 'r the company of coequal their closest cater-cousins. Nay, the most wondrous lodging is in their mind, physically and mentally isolat'd from the w'rld. Ambience isn't at each moment an issue. I can easily findeth solace in the most clutt'r'd of public areas. I rarely careth f'r such bawbling inconveniences. T's just easi'r to block out the w'rld at which hour ev'ryone 'round thee is an unknown.
mine own mind is not sunshine and rainbows. T is a dark, depressing lodging, did fill with unspeakable atrocities and h'rr'rs yond wouldst driveth anyone else to insanity. I've learn'd to accepteth and liveth with this. I've seen enow lacking valor to locketh hence the w'rst of t, because half of these thoughts art untrue. The oth'r half shall oft haunteth mine own dreams. I'm able to keepeth those folk th're, and only bringeth those folk out at which hour i chooseth. The psychological effects, howev'r, art ev'rlasting. I'll nev'r possesseth a stable mindset. I'm easily provok'd und'r c'rtain circumstances, which usually leadeth to an unpleasant retaliation