Oof, I did almost cry though, I showed it to my friend and just went, 'Doesn't he look so cuddable and snuggable and huggable? Sure, he might bight your head off in the process, but he's so freakin' adorable!' She didn't even say anything, just stared at me, so I just said, 'You will never understand my addiction to Foxy, shut up', which we just laughed because she didn't even say anything. Then I showed my art teacher and told her about how snuggable he looks and she said he didn't look like it, so I just said, 'Well, when I was playing FNaF 2, Foxy was standing at the end of the hallway, so I got up, backed away from my computer, opened my arms up and just said, 'Come here buddy''. Yeah, I'd love to cuddle with Foxy, he's so cute.