WHEN I DIE, how can I know for sure I’m saved so I can be with God for eternity instead of cut off from Him, ending up in hell? First, understand and admit my spiritual need. Second, believe on the Lord Jesus Christ of the Bible and accept the fact that He died on the cross to pay for my sins. He took the death penalty in my place. Third, receive Him as Savior. God is holy and I am not. He is also just, so He demands punishment for my sins. And therefore, I’m in a heap of trouble, which I can’t undo, work off, or earn an exemption from. However, praise God, He is gracious. He allowed His son to take the punishment in my place and I believe in that. I am trusting in the fact that He did the work for me and I’m trusting by faith. That’s what it means to receive Christ as your Savior. If you do this, you have Christ as your eternal Savior. On top of that, it can’t be lost. How can that which is eternal become “not-eternal?” How can that which is born again become unborn? How can that which is a gift be taken away? If that were true, it would not be a gift.