I feel your pain, these MODS are just a bunch of retarded chimps banging away at their keyboards with dried poo encrusted under their fingernails...
It's f**king enfuriating. Case in point, I used a Trump meme template for something that was not political at all and it was unfeatured because it was politically themed. Yet, others use them and it gets featured. I used a Greta Thunberg meme template to advertise Wendy's "aspergers"... nothing political at all. I was making fun of her aspergers... it was unfeatured because of "political in nature". YET!!!!! Someone else will use a Greta Thunberg meme for something completely political and it gets featured in the fun stream. I don't give a f**k about politics so I don't make those memes or post in that stream.
So yeah, these f**king mods are annoying as f**k