The two quotes actually carry the same sentiment, if you understand the difference in parlance of the times.
"Let no more be heard of confidence in man" means : let us have no more autocrats.
That is the same idea expressed in the modern era by : "It {the constitution} was written to restrain the gov's behavior." Which means no more autocrats. I.e. the elected official can get away with only so much.
Jefferson was a small gov. - hard freedom - low budget guy {with opinions on slavery which fit the times, for which I will not comment~anyway~}.
Rand Paul may be the closest to a real Libertarian in federal elected office.
I still don't think the US public would vote for him, but a socially liberal-fiscally conservative person is not just confused.
They are Liberation and they just don't know what to call themselves. What does this mean?
"Work, send kids to school, and do whatever you want to do at home as long as you publicly obey the laws." - is this not what people want?