Whiplash: Oh, come on! That's all you've got, big boy? Ha! Besides, concrete walls coming out of nowhere?! I live inside the mind of a future author, I'll have you know. Yeah, I love her, too bad I really don't, but let me put my words to use, why don't I?
*shuts eyes and inhales*
The land was barren, just a wasteland, the grass charred and burned from the touch of a recent fire like fingers that have ruffled up fabric... There are scattered, rotten bones and dead trees... The sky... is a dark, ominous gray from the clouds, yet, the crescent moon shines down on the two rivals... One, a 14-year old guy, whose name is Whiplash, who has straight, red hair, that goes down to his shoulders, he also has burning yellow eyes that can stare right into the souls of those he looks at... And his rival was just some silly little skeleton, whose flames lit up the darkness of the night... Oh, it was a fight sure to be... The wind rustled around, bringing with it the scent of death soon to come...
There we are... Amazing how words can put together a scene, huh?
*gets out dagger*