Do you ever wonder why memes are marked NSFW for no reason?
0 ups, 5y,
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Yeah, sometimes you may accidentally click 'NSFW' when updating the image, which I do a lot, or it may be slightly offensive and the MOD's mark it that way. Or the MOD's are just being jerks and doing it for no reason.
[deleted] M
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Because I made this, maybe it's because of the tags?
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Yeah, tags. If they have curse words, they will be marked 'NSFW' as well. That has happened to me already.
[deleted] M
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Crazmeon: Meh, I don't care. *Chugs blood*
0 ups, 5y
Whiplash: Same.
[deleted] M
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T-KAT: Well, it's not possible to physically harm everyone you see.
(( Sorry I took a while, I went and jumped off my house))
Whiplash: Hmph. *looks away*
((Sorry, I had to go eat and forgot to say that I was off line. And it took twice as long cause we all forgot how to make tacos which was what we were having, lol.))
[deleted] M
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Crazmeon: Nothin'? *takes a chip*
Namiki: *takes a chip*
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Whiplash: *swats at Crazmeon's hand* F**k off, would you?! *snarls*
[deleted] M
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Crazmeon: Relax. *snaps and makes more chips*
Namiki: *takes another*
0 ups, 5y
Whiplash: *growls* I hate sharing...
[deleted] M
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T-KAT: I don't always harm things, but when I do, it's when they harm me. Which can't really happen anymore.
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Whiplash: I just hurt anything anymore. *snorts*
[deleted] M
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Crazmeon: You wanna throw sharp things at people?
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[deleted] M
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Namiki: You're not sharing. We're taking.
Crazmeon: Heh.
((Damn I'm scrolling through memes and found- I don't even wanna say the word.))
0 ups, 5y
Whiplash: HEY!
((What is it? You can tell me, I won't tell anyone else, then just delete the comment. Or give me the link. Or you don't have to do anything, I'm chill with that as well.))
[deleted] M
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Namiki: *slowly takes the entire bag*
((Not even gonna say it.))
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((Me, whose curiosity is over the roof:
Can you give me a hint?))
[deleted] M
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Crazmeon: Start with me.
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Whiplash: I can't.
[deleted] M
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Namiki: *slowly puts her entire head in the bag*
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Whiplash: REEEEEEEEEEEEE *clamps the bag over her head to try and suffocate her* Ha!
((Okay, how bad was it? My curiosity is so bad right now.))
[deleted] M
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Crazmeon: Why?
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Whiplash: You're IMMORTAL.
[deleted] M
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Crazmeon: ThAt'S tHe PoInT.
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[deleted] M
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Namiki: *literally inhales the chips*
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Whiplash: *confused screaming*
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Crazmeon: Fine.
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Whiplash: *sighs and rolls eyes*
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Namiki: I work in strange ways.
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Whiplash: ...
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Namiki: ...
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Whiplash: Can you don't?
[deleted] M
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Whiplash: Fine. *gets out dagger and throws it at Namaki's head with force*
I had to...
It didn't mark it with this one...
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[deleted] M
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0 ups, 5y
((Then you're up? I am confusion.))
[deleted] M
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Namiki: Heh. *pulls it out of her head and regenerates, then stabs herself more.*
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Whiplash: *eats chips as he watches*
[deleted] M
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((No you're up))
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Whiplash: So, you like killing things too, Crazmeon? *looks to Crazmeon*
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Namiki: Can. I. Don't. What?
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((Okay, see you.))
Whiplash: Just don't.
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Crazmeon: *takes another chip*
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[deleted] M
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Crazmeon: Hell yes.
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Whiplash: *smirks* Nice...
[deleted] M
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DoN't YoU hAtE iT wHeN yOu WaLk OuTsIdE aNd ReAlIsE yOu'Re A fIsH
0 ups, 5y
Yeah, that happened one time to me. It sucked.
[deleted] M
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Crazmeon: Honestly, if I didn't somewhat get along with you, I'd kill you right now.
0 ups, 5y
Whiplash: Same...
[deleted] M
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But hey, maybe you're an eel.
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[deleted] M
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Crazmeon: But I can't be killed.
0 ups, 5y
Whiplash: *stands up and brushes self off* I know.
((What do your OC's look like? Do you remember what mine look like?))
[deleted] M
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An EeL tHoUgH
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[deleted] M
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T-KAT: *eyes widen* EEL.
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Whiplash: Eels.
Solo: I-I like eels.
Crazy: Eels are cool.
Poseer: *sips tea*
[deleted] M
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T-KAT: I don't mind them. Heh, it's not like one tried to eat me as a kid, heheh, heh. *sigh*
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Whiplash: Eels ale taste pretty good. So, you should've eaten IT instead of having IT eat you. The more you know, you're welcome. *consumes chip*
[deleted] M
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Crazmeon: Heh. *takes more*
Namiki: *comes back with blood all over her*
Crazmeon: D-do you notice you have blood all over you?
Namiki: Meh. I like that feeling.
Crazmeon: I can respect that. *gives some stolen chips to Namiki*
T-KAT: *jumps inside of bag of chips and audibly chews*
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[deleted] M
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((These are what Stonko, Namiki, and Jeff look like. I will have Crazmeon and T-KAT soon, and Midak, D.J., and Kiara will take a while to get.))
Crazmeon: So how would you?
0 ups, 5y
((Aye, okay, thanks))
Whiplash: Huh? Oh... Somehow, I guess. *shrugs*