DID WE GET MOST UNBIBLICAL FAITHS THROUGH UNGODLY SPIRITS? In our study, "World Religions, Cults & The Occult," we show the fact that Joseph Smith established Mormonism from a spirit (demon) he called “Moroni.” In "Islam: Religion of War or Peace?," we give the history of Muhammad who says he had a similar spirit (demon) encounter in a cave while meditating and it gave him the words of the Quran. He initially said it was evil (it choked him), but his wife convinced him the spirit was Allah blessing him. Likewise, "Seventh-Day Adventists and the False Prophecies of Ellen G. White," explains the spirit guide (demon) she says gave her the visions SDA was founded on. "New Age & The Last Days Deception," lists a myriad of New Age individuals who confess that their information came from spirits (demons). Likewise, "Scientology and the Occult Teachings of L. Ron Hubbard," explains how Hubbard (with Jack Parsons--inventor of the first rocket engine) was a practitioner of dark magic witchcraft; like Joseph Smith. Hubbard said he had a spirit guide (demon) to help him form his “religion.” On down the line, today’s non-biblical faiths that incorporate corruption of biblical teachings, got their supposed “new and secret information” from spirits (demons). Instead of benevolent helpful spirits, those entities have all been malevolent fallen beings, which the Bible calls, “familiar spirits,” that just spout the same old lies from Satan and his demon helpers. Every time demons teach humans their false teachings, trying to convince us that God’s Word in the Bible should be questioned and that we can become like God, remember that those lies started with the father of lies, Satan. It's all just the same old, same old; it might as well be the devil talking to Eve in the garden of Eden. Similar evil spirits (demons) corrupted Joseph Smith, Muhammad, Ellen G. White, so many New Agers,
L. Ron Hubbard, and the rest who got outside the Bible by listening to familiar spirits (demons).