I'm not missing anything, just throwing out something controversial to establish conversation.
I'm also not a "non-believer". Is that your go-to when you hear someone saying something you disagree with? Oooh I disagree, he must be an infidel! lol. You types are hilarious, and the very reason people despise Christians.
To address your points:
Yep. The treaty would include all of the effected nations. No disagreement there.
On the temple. There is an indication that there may be a third temple, due to the stopping of sacrifices, but there is nothing stating that the temple would occupy the exact same location as the old one. Jews do desire to rebuild the temple and have been making preparations for this for some time, and it is unlikely that they'll do it over the temple mount. But, again...show me where it occupies the same exact space as the temple mount in scripture.
Another point you may have missed. Even if Trump gets a treaty (and he'll likely fail), that doesn't necessarily mean that it is "The" treaty mentioned in Daniel 9.
All this being said, there are still many believers that perk up when people start talking about treatises in the Middle-East, which was the jest that I was throwing out there. It's funny in that many Evangelicals voted for Trump, and now support him. Oh, the irony, if he actually turned out to be the Man of Perdition. A conversation I was in this morning is what inspired the meme. Two people I work with were discussing just this. I believe they're mistaken, but unlike you, I didn't call them unbelievers.