Fact: Hillary Clinton and Obama gave the Russians a pile of uranium. Trump gave Putin tariffs.
Fact: Obama gave the Ukraine blankets to fight the Russians. Trump gave them Stinger missiles
Only a brain damaged liberal would claim Trump or McConnell as "Russian assets."
Even Rachel Maddow and Chris "Tingles" Matthews have given up on that nonsense.
You ARE two years behind the news curve and utterly clueless.
You ARE parroting CNN and MS-NBC from 2018. Even they are smart enough to give it up.
Hint: When you say completely preposterous things like "Russian asset", your words have NO POWER. Your argument is flaccid and specious. You are a ridiculous ass clown laughing stock.
Trump has 95% approval within the Republican Party, which is the key detail you are blind to.
Because you are stupid. I mean REALLY stupid and ignorant. Dumb as mud.
Russia had nothing to do with Hillary losing.
She lost because (1) she didn't campaign once in swing states like Wisconsin,
(2) she is a repulsive cow
(3) she and her impeached pedophile rap!st husband stink to high heaven of corruption
(4) she screwed Bernie out of the nomination, so half of his support stayed home or voted Trump
Lastly, you know nothing of "normal America" or what they want. You are an ignorant freak.