Name: Mira
Gender: Female
Age: 16
+Good Listener|-Mistrusting
+ Resouceful|-Nosy
Animal or human: Animal, Dreamer of Light
Twilight Fallen: (N)
Powers: (Five MAX) Manipulate light, teleport, turn any part of her body into light, slight cosmic manipulation, Predict the future.
Limitations (At least three)Using her abilitys can tire her out quicky, especially cosmic manipulation.Her visions are random, she can only get small glimpses of the future. Mira cannot use light manipulation or certain types of cosmic manipulation in dark places.
Extra: Mira has a love of dragons and finds them as cute. Mira also has ADHD, Necrophobia, and apiphobia.
Appearance: (Not needed if photo is present)
Other relations to characters: Unknown