Nazism & Fascism is on the rise. Academia has a ratio of 10:1 to 15:1 right-wing vs left-wing faculty. Professors are indoctrinating students in a grotesque amalgam of insidious, supremacist ideologies. Students are proudly waving the Swastika flag & wearing t-shirts of Adolf Hitler. Freedom of speech is under attack on campus, & de-platforming people with left-wing views are rife. A short time ago in an alternate universe far, far away... This new far-right ideology has crept into & corrupted most of the mainstream media. Big tech giants like Google are practising political discrimination against left-wingers. Hollywood is starting to politicize its movies. Right-wing moderates are being excommunicated as heretics & are joining the ever-growing ranks of reasonable people on the left. Mankind's only hope is a small band of rebels known as the IDW...