WHY IS THERE EVIL & SUFFERING IN THE WORLD? That has to be the one universal question we all have in life. Making matters worse, some think that becoming a Christian means we’ll never again experience hardships. Even though the Bible clearly teaches otherwise, many, including Christians, just can’t see a reason why a Wise and Loving God would ever allow difficulties to come their way. Therefore, this study, “The Sovereignty of God,” in our "Character of God" series (free online), takes a look at the multitude of wise & loving reasons God allows difficulties to come into the lives of His people. God is not being some sort of cosmic terrorist, trying to torture us, when He allows troubles to come our way. No! God loves each & every Child of His so He has a wise and loving purpose for everything we go through in life, including our pain. Once we realize this, we are finally in a position to soar above any & all problems that ever come our way. And isn’t that what we pray for?