Thanks, but he shook someone's hand! He legit said 'Hi, I'm -I forget his name-' and shook the guy's hand he was speaking to! Who does that anymore!? That's a real gentleman and I thought they were extinct! (No offense, you might be a gentleman, I have no clue.) BUt he is a gentleman emo and I could not ask for more and I'm freaking out! Plus, I'm pretty sure no one even likes me becuase when I was younger, I knew 3 boys who had crushes on me, now there are none I know of and I don't know why and this guy is new and I believe he said that he is a grade higher than me and I should have just spoken to him today, but I didn't and I feel so stupid now becuase what if I never see him again or what if he already has a girlfriend? He said he came from Hawaii and, just, he seems perfect and just... Yeah, I just have no idea as to what to do.