No offense, Raydog. I'm just joking. I know you're a much better person than Epstein was. Please make your triumphant return to imgflip! We need you to save the site!
This site used to be better. Not long ago, memes became incredibly mainstream and you have children like Radom_We_Boy on here. People begging for upvotes. People taking original content and pretending it's theirs. It's just not cool. But, it's still a good meme site.
Good point. I am in the middle of the two sides of the arugement. As long as they give most of the credit to the origanal creator I find it is at least a bit better then not giving them credit at all, but all in all I agree with you.
The main rule is that if you repost a meme, you need to change something about it, OR you post it in the repost stream. Even if all you change is the title, technically, it is then original. Okay, gotta go. Have a spectacular day!