What does one gain, a Pretender we will call the person, to play Games of Love? Picks someone which the Pretender names the person a Fool, and captivates the Fool with words, kisses, and promises of companionship and more than friendship. The fool gave the keys to its heart so the Pretender could add false love.
The goal of this game is to allure the Fool and when time is right, shattered the heart.
Poor Fool discovered the game before more damage was to come. He was in disbelief telling itself it is not possible. The imaginary person is not capable of committing a fraud. Unfortunately it is. The Fool has not fallen for the Pretender, rather the Fool has fallen for the Fantasy Lady the Pretender was playing. What does the Pretender gains in playing games such as this to simply maliciously devastate his soul?
The Pretender knows the Fool’s struggles before playing the game. It made it easier to know how weak one is. Use that as its advantage.
Does not the Pretender have pity? Does the Pretender knows its damage could cause tragedy?
A Fool might be in deep depression. Excited to find a light from his dark world by Pretender’s act of evil. The Fool may never get out of his darkness. The Pretender made sure the Fool does not get out.
One could be an alcoholic or drug addict, fighting to stay sober. What the Pretender has done to the Fool, may end in disaster. Using again after years of fighting.
Whatever demons the Fool is facing, leaves the Fool defenseless, ready to accept the defeat after overwhelming battles. What kind of person takes pleasure watching people go mad when hearts are shattered. What made the Pretender a fraud. What did the Fool do to torture it, manipulate it and throw it away. Just nonchalant.
I don’t believe in Karma. I believe in forgiveness. I find more peace with forgiveness. With Karma, if it happens and I am aware of it, I become like the Pretender. Enjoying someone’s painful downfall.
It is not polite to play with people’s mind and emotions. You don’t know what could happen next. This is a very cruel act. Especially when the person did not harm to you.
A reason why I have Trust Issues.