Everyone is good and means us no harm, especially people from abroad, cuz we're the bad ones. And the key culprit in all of this is political correctness. As Steve Hughes puts it : "the intellectual colonialism of psychological fascism for the creation of thought crime."
KGB has paved the way for this, starting back in the 60s, and now China along with Globalists are reaping the rewards. Since the 60s the number of useful idiots occupying the positions of power in government, education, media, and corporations, etc,. and has been growing exponentially with each passing decade, and things are the way they are today not be chance, but by design.
Stronger and stronger acceptance and push towards socialism/communism, PC, LGBTQ, hatred towards everything United States stands for, feminism, family breakdown of family unit, dumbing down of society, manufactured confusion, and the list goes on and on.
"This is exactly what the KGB and Marxist-Leninist propaganda want from Americans. To distract their opinion, attention, and mental energy from the real issues of the United States, into non-issues. Obviously it’s more beneficial for the Soviet aggressors to have a bunch of duped Americans than Americans who are self-conscious, healthy, physically fit, and alert to the reality."
- Bezmenov
It is funny how the left who is so obsessed with Russian interference had long been infiltrated by them.