Here are some of her “visions”: Jesus was not the oldest son of the VIRGIN Mary, we can’t be assured of salvation, Jesus did not finish His atoning work on the cross, Jesus was not God, some races of today’s people come from sexual relations between man and animal, the Tower of Babel came before the flood, and God gave the angels gold cards to get in and out of heaven [because He's apparently able to number the hairs on all our heads, but can’t keep track of His angels.]
Ellen G White was a known plagiarist with up to 90% of some writing copied; all while she professed that her writings came from God. But of course God does not plagiarize.
Does that sound like biblical Christianity? No. And it’s not just missing the Bible’s mark in a couple areas. It's a multitude of their beliefs. We’ve just touched on a few and anyone who does the homework on SDA will conclude that they are not, at all, evangelical Christianity. IS SEVENTH DAY ADVENTISTS A BIBLICAL EVANGELICAL CHRISTIAN ORGANIZATION?
You’ll see the answer is, no, from just a smattering of their beliefs:
They deny the immortality of the soul, the eternality of hell, and the finality of the atoning work of Jesus on the cross. They claim Jesus' atoning work finished in 1844, our sins will ultimately be placed on Satan, we become unconscious at death to be resurrected later, our own works are required to get us to heaven, the wicked will be annihilated, and like Jehovah's Witnesses (an offshoot of SDA), they claim Jesus is Michael the archangel. They also claim Ellen G White’s “visions” were from God so they added her words to their version of the Bible.