PS - I will get the two quizzes to you tomorrow. I just started on the may require that the kids watch a short video. Everything will be age appropriate, have no fear!
Yes, because kids deserve a break from the headmaster's version of quizzing every now and again! I'll get it to you by 5pm CST, but hopefully much sooner.
Yo, so where do I send this quiz? got an email address I can send it to? I have a .pdf file for you. It is three pages. Pages 1 and 2 are the quiz, as well as some pictures. Page 3 is the answer key.
Okay, I sent it and then deleted the meme with your emails address on it. I sent it from my personal email a few minutes ago. If you don't see it in your inbox, check the spam folder. Cheers!
Checked and replied! I was just going to delete the comment later. But thank you! You never know what trolls may lurk here and try to hound you out side f the site.