Powers: Each mega eeveelution has mythic powers, explained here:
Espeon: Cast sight around them, mental link to light eeveelutions, use great feats of telekinis, telaport through thoughts
Sylveon: Calm strong emotions, heal self and others with positive emotions, sence strong emotions, unintentionly project their emotions into other pokemon
vaporeon: Become immune in water for up to 30 mins, teleport through bodys of water, create a shield of water that heals when broken
leafeon:Extend a dieing pokemons lifespan, heal pokemon, control plants, create plants by drawing them
The dark eeveelutions powers:
umbereon:Turn invisible, steal pokemons life force to heal themselves, control shadows, turn into another pokemons shadow
flareon:Turn into fire, turn other pokemon into fire, be immune to fire, create shield of fire that explodes when finished.
glaceon: turn any part of their body into a corisponding ice-types (Ex. glaceons tail can become a amuaras tail) Control any ice-type pokemon, turn other pokemon into ice, turn self into ice (Mostly used as a defence mechanisim)