Exactly! Unless your step-parents tell you what your birth parents did to you. -_-
Oh wow! Same type of thing here! Whenever I saw a cat or a dog I would scream. I love cats and dogs now.
And the parks and museums are the ONLY things to do here! Ugh! Wish it had more to do.....
The insane religiousness and republicaness of the people in this city is one of the things I abhor about this city. I mean, I don’t care what religion or political side everyone follows but when 3,000+ of these people whom I have to live around do evil/wrong doings unto me because I am not exactly like them that’s when I will start having problems with you/them.
Unfortunately for me, Everyone that I have met in real life whom live in this city as well whom believes in god (mind you not the simple “oh I believe that god exists but I don’t worship/follow him” type of people. Agnostics I think they are called) but the ones whom worship him, no matter how strictly, have been complete d***’s unto me just because I’m not a Christian and a republican but a spiritual theistic satanist and a democrat instead.
Like WTF?? I’m not doing a go***mn thing unto you, why do you all have to be so rude mean unto me just because I’m not exactly like you!? Holy c***!! -_-