Look, this goes right to the heart of exactly why I hate you. So, PLEASE read this and REALLY think about it.
OK: How do you know that the Nazi bell experiment was real? What's the historical basis for it?
The Nazi bell experiment was proposed in a book published in 2000; the author claims to have seen the transcripts of an interrogation of an SS officer. It ALL rests on that. Ever since 2000, people have cited that book as the origin of the theory, and before 2000, nobody ever had such an idea. If Witkowski was telling the truth, it is true, and if Witkowski was bullshitting, then it obviously never happened.
OK. So. What's Witkowski's evidence? What's his documentation?
Well, he claims he wasn't allowed to make copies on any of the documents. Everything he produced is a transcription of documents he saw.
Are you hearing the problem yet? Are you hearing the difference between historical fact and taking a leap of faith? Are you understanding why you believe it because you want it to be true, not because you've read anything that settled the matter?
There's been no verification of his claims. No solid evidence beyond "oh, well, Witkowski can be trusted" is out there.
And you. Have accepted it. As fact. And you. Want to bomb CERN. Because of it.
You can't do that. You can't go through your life accepting things without evidence. We can't send people to jail if the evidence all comes down to an accusation. We can't spend precious money on policy if there's no evidence that it will work. On the day when Hillary and Obama and Tom Hanks and whoever is arrested and shipped to Guantanamo, the first question will be "OK, let's see your evidence: how do you know that one shred of this is true beyond a reasonable doubt?" And you will have to do better than "well, there's a guy who claims to have Q-level clearance and he has been saying..."
This is the poison you are putting out into the world. You are not giving people the tools to settle matters for themselves - you are just telling people to pick a side based on who they like better.
And it does not help one single child when you do that.