I admit that my meme was quite hyperbolic, but still, multiculturalism has caused many problems in Europe. Europe has fallen into a sense of what I call "extreme compunctiousness" Europe is saying to itself that it's own story has played out, that Europe and Western culture in general, really, taints every single idea it has ever touched. In reality, Multiculturalism encourages Europe's foreign-born migrants to commit extreme acts of violence and terrorism. The native Europeans (and even peaceful migrants) are so reluctant to hold the foreigners that do commit crimes accountable for the destruction they cause, lest they be denounces as "racist" or an "Uncle/Auntie Tom"
According to Voice of Europe A refugee from Bangladesh was tried by a French court and was acquitted of the rape of a high school girl. The verdict was handed down Nov. 21 last year.
" Experts who investigated the man, described him as narcissistic and self-centred and that in the male culture of Bangladesh, his country of origin, 'women are relegated to the status of sexual object'
"The young man also sexually assaulted another young girl. He was charged with both cases but acquitted of the rape."
And he was acquitted on account of "different cultural norms"
Earlier that same year a Swedish woman from Staffanstorp explains how she was harrased and assaulted at her school every single day.
"'They locked me up in the toilet and hit me with bands. They punched and joked on me. It happened every day,' she says."
A politically correct lawyer interrupts the broadcast claiming that the woman's claims are false. Hmm... I wonder where the radical feminists in Europe who rant and rave about "subtle sexism" are when BLATANT, APPARENT SEXISM occurs...
While I am not against foreign immigration per se, allowing them to bring their own culture to Europe, rather than assimilating into European culture, ultimately does more harm than good.