First off, emojis are just embarrassing for you, and I just told you that I can understand what you're saying without visual prompts.
And second, voluntaryism isn't really a practice, is it? It's just the ideology that everything should be agreed on by both sides (here, government and people) with full consent, which is good, I can understand that. But, is it really that simple?
Your main thing is tax being bad. And though I agree it can get extortionate, I would prefer less tax, rather than no tax, especially when quite a lot of stuff has government funding in it. What if the government wants to build infrastructure for affordable housing? Who will fund the police? Fire-fighters? The armed forces? Heck, even healthcare in some places. The issue is that wiping tax off will bring consequences which aren't always positive. And charity on itself won't be able to sustain the level governments invest. Not to say the government always does things for the benefit of the people, but the stuff which does help the people should be taken into account.