Does a family member or friend:; Make up words expecting you to know the meaning? ("covfefe"); Have new trouble pronouncing familiar words? (origins as "oranges"); Have they made spatial mistakes? (the moon is part of Mars; the kidneys have a special place in the heart); Make anacronistic mistakes? (Revolutionary War airports; saying their father was born in Germany when it was their grandfather); Take up time with phrases with no real meaning? (Tough hurricain one of the wettest we've seen from the standpoint of water); Mix up names of things or people? (Called Venezuela a "company"; called Tim Cook of Apple "Tim Apple"); Make fantastical claims? (Windmill noise causes cancer); They may be suffering from pre-dementia. Get them help today. If someone dismisses your claims or enables this person, insist on an examination. Do what is best for this person. Get them the help that they need now.