Perfect! Another safe-space echo chamber where lefties can coddle each other! I can see it now, millions of crybabies who think the world is so, like…unfair n’stuff! America is so evil and like, capitalism is the root of it! They can all sit around and massage each other’s artificially inflated egos, pretending they’re so much more enlightened than and morally superior to the rest of us. It’s gonna be awesome! Just kick back and relax together in the soothing victim pools the left has concocted for their minions to take comfort in, because all of their problems are the result of racism, sexism, or some invented phobia.
The drumbeat of fake news will reverberate the heavens! Heaping piles of hypocrisy, endless illogical arguments being made, countless irrelevant comparisons, twisted statistical falsehoods, fake revisionist out of context historical references, math and economics is permanently banned, cause, feelings are more important n’stuff. In the Liberal stream, facts and merit are far less important than feelings and identity. The Liberal stream will be void of all things “cis” or “traditional”. In the liberal stream, if you cling to archaic notions such as religion, you will be castigated and ostracized right before they turn around and preach tolerance out of the other side of their mouth.