See the pat that I circled? That is the caption. It actually tells the location of the memory. Obviously you have nothing to go on until you find at least one memory. Here is what I did:
1. took a close up photo as clear as I could get it so that I could see each symbol.
2. Upon finding the first memory that caption is translated automatically into plain English.
3. I compared the symbols to the translated caption, say, Hyrule Field was the location. (not saying it was, just using that as an example).
4. I then decided which symbols were what. See in the meme up top what the letter "H" would be in a symbol. I knew that each time I saw that particular symbol it was going to be a letter "H".
5. I counted the symbols in each caption separately. For example if there were 12 symbols I put 12 small spaces for filling in the letters as I discovered them.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<like this.
6. Looking at the photo I took of the first caption BEFORE it was translated, filled in the letters that were revealed after finding that first memory. I filled in the letter that I figured out. All the letter "H" then all the letter "Y" etc... The symbols you see drawn in the meme up top are the symbols from these captions. If you go look at the captions you will be able to pick out the symbols and see what I am talking about.