Also, this is my home. This was the land I was born on. And in this nation we have a saying:
"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
That is a value this nation has had for well over 100 years. A value you supposedly adopted when you supposedly immigrated here.
This crap about "they should have applied" is white nationalist bullshit. My great grandparents didn't "apply" to come here. They came here because they chose to. And there is no need for anyone else to have to "apply"
This nation may not be perfect. But it can be made better. It can be made better *for all people*.
I say to fight for the people you are too chicken shit and too cowardly to stand up and fight for.
I fight for people who are my friends and neighbors and family I have made over the course of my life.
We were not built on the values of being gated, isolationist community. Were built on the values of openness and inclusion and community and looking after our neighbors.
And democracy.
And guess what, this nation has always had socialist values.
Where you think the Hoover Dam came from? Or our interstate highway system? Or our national parks system? Or our school and educational system, which *used* to be the greatest in the world?
In fact, here are 75 things which are socialist in the United States.
Don't like socialism? You are already swimming in it every day.