No, DrStrangeFate is not me. What I did was reverse Psychology, you see. If I admitted to something as insane as Doc being my alt then nobody would actually believe me & understand that we are separate users. I had to add the biggest layer to the corrections cake before adding the final details. To do that I had to have everyone against each other temporarily to wear you all down enough to stop the fighting completely. The only unforeseen side effect was the long dispute between you & vagabondsouffle. I was going to stop it by putting myself in harms way for you, but I seen you as the bigger problem at the time & so did nothing. If you go back at Vaga I will not protect you, but if you heed my advise & he still keeps attacking you constantly then I will have no choice but to end him. But I don’t see this going sour so just don’t bother him, he won’t bother you. He exists purely to mock the trolls on this site. Vagabondsouffle is a sort of boogeyman if you will, fighting for the right cause. Good job on staying away from the politics section, that place is a cesspit beyond my help. There are far to many far right Nazi trolls there for anyone to handle, that’s why I don’t go after them. The fight is pointless unfortunately. But if you search around for long enough, you’ll see my previous destruction of multiple alt-right trolls on this site (see I’m Not just anti left wing memers, I attack the right too)
But I do have a question for you:
Who do you think my only alt is? DrStrangeFate?