Weeeell geeez z z . Calm down there buddy. Nothing to fight over about really. If the creators did did something the migority of fans dislikes, its on them. Then again I never got into Bleach so it doesn't affect me
Your cancerous , non existent Ichiruki scum never was and never will be. Kubo is drinking your tears and all you can do about it is cry yourselves to sleep and provide him with more nourishment. Enjoy Ichiruki fans oh do so enjoy your misery and despair. Your special little pairing IS NON CANON TRASH. Go ahead and hate Orihime who is basically a perfect human being and one of Rukia's best friends who loves her deeply and vice versa. Go ahead and trash every arc except the Soul Society arc which did not even have fleshed out characters. Go ahead and hate the canon ending. Nothing I repeat NOTHING! will change it and all you can do is feel despair and curse Kubo over your damned ship. No matter what you will still have to wake up every single day knowing your damn filth is non canon. Live your lives and eventually die with this regret. May you never be truly free from it. Ichihime IS CANON