Not only. The Americans appreciated the Machinery, the engineering's and others things they robbed off during and also specially at the end of the war.
Like the predecessor of the B-52 Stealth bomber and the knowledge around nuclear energy. I mean we know war can have an huge impact on Science, because they tend to spend money into science more likely if there is a war bound to it.
If we look close at the bullshit Hitler wrote in his book and what the jewish ideology is formed around, except from the blown up bullshit from Hitler and Hess, the both ideologies are very similar. Both claimed they just wanna have the best of the best and today a Netanjahu is in the position, he is the leader of a country whose fights the Palestinians & Syrians with high(er) technology.
But as we both communicate over this way, i guess Netanjahu would claim,
that his wars are something completely different and
it is only about the best for _his_ folk. :8~)
At a completely different place i wrote: it is like a Gandhi already correctly stated:
violence creates violence and if one knows this and how <identifier for a group of people whose is behaving wrong> behave, it is about to outsmart them and not about to make the very same bullshit and just declaring the bullshit as fertilizer or as horseshit.
it is shit and it stinks, like everyone's shit stinks.