Ever wonder where the saying: "The rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain." originally came from? Well, yes, it is a song from the movie musical: "My Fair Lady." However, it was one of many helpful sayings like "How now brown cow?" that if pronounced correctly would indicate your breeding. Speaking correctly was a quality of those from the upper classes. And, elocution was the hallmark of good breeding. My mother who was born in 1920 took elocution classes from Count Arnaud Cazenave's Daughter, Germaine Cazenave-Wells. Today, many don't care how they speak. Rasdhida Tlaib, a United States congresswomen, openly called the president a mother f-----r. I think she would have been probably been prosecuted in my mother's day. I can't imagine voting for someone so vile, today. C'est la vie. I don't want to fight with anyone. I do want to share a word that we have forgotten with my friends.