Andy knows I'll move out as soon as he brings in full time trim. Has it occurred to you you're the reason Andy just sleeps around but never proposes to any of them? I'd sooner chew through my gall bladder than impose on their happy family! That's just it, Bee! Where to? Some lonely apartment next door to Goober? Andy won't have it! Look, if you have something to say, say it! You say from Andy's house where he pays all the bills. Have you told him that? Anchor! Why, I oughtta'... Golly, NO! Give me a moment to tremble & quake first! Add the predicate so I know why I'm about to beat you into dust! WHAT? PHARDT TO EVERY ONE'S LAUGHTER LIKE YOU DID IN CHURCH 3 SUNDAYS AGO? I'LL DO IT! YOU SWORE YOU'D NEVER BRING THAT UP AGAIN. I SAID I WOULDN'T EVER MENTION IT TO OTHER PEOPLE BESIDES YOU. I BET WITHIN A WEEK OF YOU DYING, ANDY GETS MARRIED.