How thoughtful of you to suggest so. You really ought to use more All Spice in your brine. I'm just sayin'. It's the least I can do. Pickles ought to taste of a minimum standard after all, no matter who makes them. Yes, of course. And incidentally, you should probably soak them in vinegar a half a day longer or so, to give 'em that missing zest & kick. I'll be sure to do that, Clara, thank you! And if you don't pick them quite so late they won't be quite so nearly crunchless soft. I Got it! And... Ooooh, I'm Clara! I won the Annual Mayberry Pickle Contest 10 years running! Lick my shadow! Yes, the moon would drift away without pointing out that extra year, wouldn't it, Ham? 11, & I was just tryin' to help! More than you deserve! SOME SHOW OF GRATITUDE! Why don't you ask Andy, Opie & Barney what REALLY happened to your last batch?