Look kid, I made an opinion about abortion and you got so offended, you started posted the same dumb meme on my images thinking I'll suddenly change my opinion. This is the internet. If you can't handle it, don't go on it.
why are you talking about abortion on a meme website? if you really need to say shit about that go to twitter. again I have no idea what you said so I can't really form an opinion
LOL, nice righteous indignation, insults, and ignoring facts you don't like. I just post memes as I see they fit and didn't target anyone, nor was I offended, but thanks for the fake mind reading.
LoL, nIcE rIgHtEoUs InDiGnAtIoN, iNsUlTs, AnD iGnOrInG fAcTs YoU dOn't LiKe. I jUsT pOsT mEmEs As I sEe ThEy FiT aNd DiDn't TaRgEt AnYoNe, NoR wAs I oFfEnDeD, bUt ThAnKs FoR tHe FaKe MiNd ReAdInG.
lOl, ThAt iS NoT EvIdEnCe sUpPoRtInG YoUr cLaIm. NeItHeR Is yOuR RaGe oR InSuLtS. bUt nIcE To sEe yOu cAlL ThE TrUtH A LiE. LOL Keep on feeding kid. Or copy my tactic, as I have doubts you can come up with better. ;)