I won't "come to grips" with anything, since I don't believe fetuses to be humans until they are born. They're living, of course--but many things can be alive without being human. If you plant a seed and then dig it up, you haven't cut down a tree. You've dug up a seed.
I don't believe a fetus gains rights or 'person hood' until it is no longer in the parasitic stage.
"Angry enough to kill"? This isn't even close to angry. You're the one calling me a murderer, remember. I'm just horrified by the backwards steps our society is taking, and I thank my lucky stars every single day that I was not born a bible-thumping, gun-toting, woman-beating American.
What DOES make me angry is women being forced to carry their rapist's children and being sued for custody rights; impoverished women being forced to carry children that they know they can't afford; babies born addicted to drugs; a bloated and broken foster care system; children being born with mass challenges and having no sense of the world, but being tied to it by their pain just the same; thirteen year olds that are forced to ruin the rest of their young lives because they had sex--which every. person. does.
It's just so gruesomely interesting to me that unborn babies are the ultimate in human morality, but the women carrying them mean less than nothing. How on earth does that work?
Do you really think a child is going to grow up happy and healthy when they have a mother that hates them and was forced to keep them? That certainly doesn't seem like a happy life to me.
If you think you can spare a half-thought of real time for us on the other side, give https://www.huffpost.com/entry/alabama-abortion-law-rape_n_5cdc3627e4b09d94af53f471 this article a read. It doesn't bash anybody, it's merely an informed look of a woman who was raped and was forced to give birth to not only the rapist's child, but a severely handicapped child.
Ultimately though, I don't expect you to read that article. I know there's no reasoning with either side. You clearly think I'm a crazy murderer, and I think you're an old-fashioned, right-wing misogynist.
Perhaps that's just the way of the world.