It's a rare glitch.
When using ai-meme, you may occasionally see captions appear before the template image comes up. Usually there is no perceptable delay between the two events, sometimes there is. If there is a delay, that interval is usually just a few milliseconds, sometimes longer.
On a very rare occasion, the ai-meme Generator will "hang" and a template never materializes. The meme image will appear to be a white background, but it's really just empty. If you hit the "Save Meme" button before the template comes up, the saved image will have a black canvas, same size as the corresponding template I think.
Occasionally I see this happen on "regular" creations made with the Meme Generator. I'll see submissions like this in the fun stream once in a while. The template will be displayed on the image page, the tag(s) will be there, but the meme image is black.
I'm not sure exactly why it happens, but I think it's something to do with the device's internet connection getting interrupted.