Well first of all I didn't vote for Donald Trump in the primaries but then once he became the nomination I supported him because I knew that was going to be the choice between a poisions snake bite or bee sting, and I chose the bee sting. (Just for the record, I hate socalism and i would have voted for Bernie Sanders before voting for that witch. ...plus I think he's been pretty good president so far with reducing regulations, renegotiating NAFTA, tax cuts, appointing conservative constitutionalist to the Supreme Court, talking with North Korea, leading from in front again, and various other good things. Sure he says weird things, but actions speak louder than words.
My point is the left constantly call those on the right bigoted, sexist, racist, homophobic, misogynistic, xenophobic, narcissistic, white privileged, climate deniers, etcetera... all because we do not agree with the left's positions... meanwhile you have those on the left trying to see who can become the biggest victim, is it womem, is it undocumented immigrants, is it black people, is it lbgtabcd, is it welfareians... and they compartmentalize all these groups of people into identity politics, and they say that if you're a straight white Christian male then you can be quiet, while screaming in our faces and displaying acts of violence and lies while separating people into various classes for warfare aginst one another, and they still call themselves "tolerant". They do all these things and they still insist that Donald Trump is dividing this country.
My final point is this: I would much rather be good friends with a black homosexual athiest, who leans right, then a straight crazy leftist who insists on characterizing me based on my sex, gender, race, political affiliation, white privilege, religion, ethnicity, victimization status, and wealth status.
For me, when I pick my friends, it has everything to do with their ideology, and nothing to do with the person. I can even tolerate a leftist, IF they can be tolerant and some more towards me and stop putting me into identity politics.