You are correct. We ARE different. And for many Americans, we respectfully, do not care how any other country does it. We are no longer beholding to any other countries in the world---England, France, Spain, Mexico, etc. Our Noble Patriots and Deplorables were/are willing to fight for our independence and freedom and we have gained it and we have kept it. And more than once we came to the aid of several nations and helped liberate them. What the UK does about O.Cromwell is their business. How Budapest deals with Soviet monuments is quite immaterial to any of us. How the Russians choose to handle the story of the Romanov family is quite their own affair. [*] Which brings me back to the base-line . . . Visit . . . or don't. Immigrate LEGALLY . . . or don't come at all. But America was not founded with revisionist history. Lessons will not be learned and remembered with people removing it, painting it over, or hiding it. We will NOT stand down to The SnowKingdom becoming *triggered and radical Leftist Socialists-Communists-Marxists-Fascists-et al. . . . just because they keep screaming, screeching, ranting, raving, and violently protesting otherwise. My family is full of American Patriots. ALL of history brought us to where we are, today. We have improvements and gains still to be made---but if part of our history is erased and moved and vandalizes---the very same mistakes risk being made again. I care not how they do it ELSEwhere. We ARE different. Thank GOD! ~~~~~~anniegityergunoakley