Like I said, that depends on how they identify... There are some amab girls who like girls and consider themselves lesbian, some identify as gay (which for some people is just a phrase for anything not cis-het), some identify as straight, because they've always thought of themselves as straight... If you want to know about someone else's orientation ask them. If you're trying to figure out your own identity, try using the word that feels natural to you. Say it to yourself, think about how it feels to associate yourself with it. If you find out it doesn't work, try another. If after a few days or weeks or however long it takes you you decide you've found what describes you, tell others (close friends or perfect strangers, whatever you feel more comfortable about) that you want them to think of you as whatever you picked. And don't be afraid to change how you identify if after a while you feel it doesn't fit anymore. In my experience neither gender nor sexual or romantic orientation are necessarily carved in stone... Some people immediately find what best fits them, some people take a long time until they find what they've been looking for, and some people find something that fits but evolve differently and suddenly they start looking again. All that is natural and ok. Everyone has their own pace in figuring out themselves. Some people go through their whole life without ever doubting they are a man who likes women or a woman who likes men. Some people never settle on a definition. Both are equally ok.