First off your original premise is incorrect. CNN is not a court of law. Secondly trying the President is wrought with all sorts of precedents that have never been tried before. But sure the Russian card. You know the russians that Trump said he had no contact with, then maybe they had a meeting, well it was over a hundred meetings, but he had no business dealings with them, but he was trying to build another Trump tower in Moscow, but that was before he was President. He was just running for it then. Please go ahead and wash all that away in your hatred of "the other side".
Know why you are this way? Because they know how to push your buttons. Fear and hate and you have been pushed. They tell you not to trust any other source because "the other side" only lies and you swallow it because they pushed your buttons. Now they can tell you anything they want and you will ignore everything else because its a lie from "the other side"
Why am I telling you this? Because I want you to open your eyes to how you are being played. I grew up in a newspaper family. We were taught at an early age to distinguish between factual statements and leading statements that were really just opinion. I read everyday from multiple sources and not just ones I agree with as that causes blindness.
When they push social issues you can damn well bet they are hiding something else from you. First it was abortion, but recently that has lost its power to push many peoples buttons. Then suddenly out of nowhere transsexuals using the bathroom was the worse thing in the world! During Reagan's day it was welfare queens abusing the system! Why? Because it's at your level. You can see it. Know what you can't see? All the backroom deals that corps and politicians agree to f**k you even more.
You wanted Trump to shake up Washington! Then you hate AOC who is doing just that. Elected without PAC money, beholden to nobody in DC and exposing their little dirty secrets, but you hate her. Why? Because the button pushers told you to. Please wake up. You don't have to be a "lib" but know when they are pushing an agenda.