Hey,man,good to see you. I expected you to return around April,like you said you would,but it's awesome seeing you ahead of the schedule.
I'll let you go through a quick recap about the updates while you were gone.
IMGFlip is now seperated into 7 main caregories(fun,politics,reposts,gaming,reactiongifs,sports and cats),and the ability to create your own streams(something that was alrady here,but they're easier to access,now). The main streams allow 2 submissions each,and user-made stream submissions can be modified by the stream's creator.
Comments and replies now show the time of their posting.
The color pallete for the font color is now much,MUCH richer,and is easier to set to the less common colors such as pink,brown(a good looking shade) or grey.
That is all I can think of.
Anyways,I wasn't that active while you were gone. A few memes here, a few memes there,a lot of commenting and flame warfare,but I'm not what I used to be. But now that you're back,that may be changed.