Well, it's easier that way... less explaining why you're never there. The difficult part is the telling. Some women don't like to share. The biggest problem is when you're already married to one who doesn't want to share and meet one who does... What am I to do..?
My husband was the culprit. I never bounced a check in my life except once. Then he was like, "Hold my beer." He once caused us to have over $1,500 in over draft fees. I nearly died.
I just came home from having our first baby. I guess while I was in the hospital he was swiping the card all over town with no regard to our finances. To spice it up he was unemployed temporarily as he was awaiting the start of his new job, however the first day on the job was a month away. So that was our only money. Did I mention they induced my labor because I had high blood pressure, which remained high for a few weeks after delivery? You can imagine how this helped me in the regard. LOL