i personally don't really believe in god, but this shits true. my family is catholic and i respect that but they are all mean asf because i am transgender and pansexual and they don't support it. my little sister (only 5 months and 23 days younger than me) is the nicest one about it. she was the first one in my family i told about it, and she told me she personally thinks there are only two genders but she still respects me. my mom supports me, she bought me a binder and boxers, but she still makes it really hard for me, telling me it's a phase, and saying i just w a n t to be like that because i see other people like that, but if it was a choice based on what we see, how did the first people of the LGBTQ+ community get here? it wouldn't exist if it was a choice based on what we see.